Thursday, October 1, 2020

Daily training runs

 Daily training runs done at easier paces at about 60-70 % of maximum heart rate are the staple of long distance running. These are the runs which help build up the aerobic base required for running longer than  at least 2 hours. Running such a humongous distance every week can put a lot of strain on the body, especially lower body. Hence a shoe with considerable cushioning and decent stack height is paramount. 

Below is given a link for shoes for daily runs - 

Fast paced runs

 Speed building cannot be ignored even for marathon distance. Speed workouts help develop the glutes and hamstring muscles and strengthening the overall body. 

Speed workouts can be incorporated in form of speed intervals (e.g. n x 400 meters) or in the form of threshold/ tempo runs which are essential in raising the lactic threshold level, which is a prerequisite for maintaining higher speeds for longer stretches of time. 

below is given a link for lightweight shoes for high speed workouts

shoes for fast workouts

Daily training runs

 Daily training runs done at easier paces at about 60-70 % of maximum heart rate are the staple of long distance running. These are the runs...